Domain Transfer

COM/NET/CC Domain Transfer
Please keyin the domain names you wish to transfer.

* For IDN .com/.net/.cc, you may key in domain name in native language, orconvert the native language into Punycode code (e.g. before key in the domain.

Important Domain Transfer Information.
- Only the administrative person of domain has authority for domain transfer.
- Domain name has not expired and within 10 days from the domain expiry date.
- Domain name must be registered for more than 60 days.。
- Domain name must be renewed for more than 45 days.。
- Ensure the domain name is not involved in any legal or payment dispute.
- Ensure the email address of the administrative contact for the domain name must be valid. We correspond with the administrative contact for the transfer request approval.

For more information on domain name transfer, please refer toFAQs

To transfer your .org, .biz, .info, .name, .cn, .us domain, pleasefollow the processhere.